Representative Jayapal

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Representative Jayapal

Thank you for joining us for Key to Hope!

Plymouth Housing's mission is to eliminate homelessness and address its causes by preserving, developing and operating safe, quality, supportive housing and by providing adults experiencing homelessness with opportunities to stabilize and improve their lives. This impactful annual event is truly the key that enables Plymouth to continue opening doors for our neighbors who need warm homes in supportive communities.

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Advocating for Change

How do you share your views?

Part of making a difference as an individual is adding your voice to ongoing local, regional, and national conversations. By sharing your experiences and opinions, as well as by listening to and supporting the voices of historically marginalized people, you can help shape the public policy that in turn shapes our civic lives. The impact of your words could change the lives of many!

Hear from Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, U.S. Representative for Washington’s 7th Congressional District. She’ll share not only how Plymouth Housing’s mission inspires her, but how you can help her and other lawmakers change civic policy to better support our neighbors experiencing homelessness.

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Meet Pramila

Washington's 7th District

“For those of us in Congress, we need a community to be advocating with us… We all do better when we all do better.”

Elected in 2016, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal is now serving her third term in Congress. Prior to serving in elected office, Representative Jayapal spent twenty years working internationally and domestically in global public health and development and as an award-winning national advocate for women’s, immigrant, civil, and human rights.

Plymouth Housing staff regularly testify to our local city and county councils about the positive impact of public funding for human services. Our mission and communities thrive because of public support!

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